Davidoff Royal Release Salomone

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Crafted by 8 of our finest rollers, with over 100 years experience combined and who have rolled jointly over 7 million cigars. To inherit the title of Davidoff Royal Release cigar, the journey of this cigar takes 10 years. The seeds themselves were developed, germinated, and planted especially for this purpose. It is complexity and balance which sets the Royal Release apart. A true masterpiece of a cigar with only the finest tobaccos! Not only due to the elegant Salomones format, dressed in the exclusive Aromatica Dominicana wrapper not available on any other Davidoff cigar, but also due the continuous changes in diameter that are bringing up varying flavours of leather, black pepper, cream, milk chocolate and oak wood. A perfection of sensations that will not only fill your time beautifully, but also royally.




8 1/2 x 57




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